I had a short shift at my place of employment today and called Ben on the way home. He wanted me to pick up lunch so hit up a drive through. I proceeded to try and eat as lots of fries as possible before I got back.

Pacing yourself doesn’t apply when you’re sharing fries with someone. eat fast!
MY most current VIDEOS

Covid 19 Antibody Test
I took the Covid19 Antibody Test. Here’s how it went and the results!

Altri video

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 19 seconds

High Ahiever – Buona recensione del libro di ascolto


Side note: Does any individual else get get 1 get one complimentary Yogurtland vouchers at their house?!?!

Ben and I do NOT, but my mommy does and we live closer to ‘our’ Yogurtland than she does? This is not cool

I subscribed for the holiday half Marathon a very very long time ago. As in, I forgot that I even subscribed for it until I got an email saying “The Ho-ho-Holiday half is nearly here!”

Crap (is what I thought immediately) – mostly because I really really really want to sleep in on the weekends now that I have to wake up before 5am Monday – Friday.

But, I’m subscribed and figure I might as well show up for the complimentary tee shirt

So today I prepared by eating a lot of salty carbs.

I read this week (in RW) that you shouldn’t sign up for too lots of races if you have a certain running goal. I had a light bulb moment where I realized I have absolutely been registering without really thinking about timing, training or recover. Races can help you improve if the timing works in your training. but that’s not how I’ve been going about races. If it’s on sale I just sign up!

I need to pace myself on how I sign up for races. I’m going to review my 2012 goals before I continue to sign up for a lot more races. I already have a race for Jan & Feb!

Since I’m not “race ready” in terms of PR-ing I’m going to use the race to work on something else I really need help on – PACING! I am the worst. I go out way too fast every time. At long beach I kept glancing at my Garmin and knowing I was going out too fast, but didn’t slow down and slammed into the wall.

My goal for the half marathon is to keep even splits. We’ll see how it goes!

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La condivisione è la cura!







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